Monday, August 22, 2011

Gift from the HEART~~

I have been having a difficult time bending down to get my socks and uneroooos and other this that will not be mentioned on the blog because there may just be some under age peepers sitting on the laps of their mums!!  Well~~Rob being the man that he is noticed my dilemma but in his background kinda’ way!! Never mentioning anything to me about that he even noticed my whence when retrieving my socks and the like.  So in his quiet little way he purchased plans that he thought would go well with the FANTASTIC~AWESOME headboard that he made me earlier in the year.  Yeah…he is that kinda’ man~~that is why I can say that I am happily married after 22 years.  Now…don’t get me wrong—there were many~~many~~many times it would have been easier to have parted ways and found someone else to grow old with.  However~~it just wasn’t the plan for us…we don’t do things the easy way.  Never have—never will…and when it comes right down to the HEART of the matter—I LOVE him and that is one thing I will tell you folks has never~~never~~never ever changed.  I still love him like I did the 4 years I dated him.  Now—don’t get me wrong here either…I am not one of those giggle and shits kinda’ girl!! I will tell ya’ straight up that I don’t have that silly—sickness that I had in my teens but I do LOVE him and grow more in love with him each day. I guess you would call it an older more mature kinda’ love!!  I learn or see something new in/with him each day~~he never ceases to amaze me.  OK—so back to the gift thing.  He started spending a great deal of time at the barn but I wasn’t really sure what he was doing?? When I would question him he would just tell me he was working on “PROJECTS”.  Then I ventured to the barn to check on my biggest 4-legged girl and stopped in to see what my honeeee was doing!!??  At this point I could tell that he was making something puurteee darn good.  He went ahead and told me that he was making me a chest of drawers and a tall set so that I could have the top ones for my socks and other things!! Soooo—to my few (2) readers…I have a brand spankin’ new chest of drawers.  This was signed sealed and delivered on my 22nd anniversary just the other day!!  Story on the years married is a funny one but won’t bore ya’ with the details.  So~~to get to the HEART of this story here are the pictures.  Remember—my room has NO natural lighting so I just have to do the best with the photo-editing!!LOL!! Still learning to use the ADOBE PHOTOSHOP is a real treat but one that seems to be smarter than I!!!


Yes~~this is one of those real blogs not a staged one so that is in fact…underooooos in the drawer.  Oh well---what I am wanting you to focus on here are the little read plastic thing-a-ma-bobbies. 


When we would pull out a drawer it had a little play in it and it can become jammed of it doesn’t have a little something to gently guide it into the center position.  However—I was happy with it and never mentioned the little—slightest I meant tineee play in the drawers.  I am going to be honest with you here—which I could easily lie and tell you that he totally thought to have the little red and wooden thing-a-ma-bobbies but he didn’t and neither would I. Buuuut~~Rob being Rob was just not gonna’ have this slightest imperfection in his creation.  So he went into stealth mode and pulled out ALL of his woodworking books from the storage cabinet and discovered that they do in fact make a glide and it is known as a drawer glide!!! Handy as a pocket-on-a-shirt!!! Soooo~~now that those are installed it is time to make her shine. 


OOOps~~now this is what Matthew needs to get his day off on the right foot.  He wanted my world famous french toast~~cinnamon, sugar, vanilla, cardamom, just a touch of ginger and then the 4 farm fresh eggs and 4 slices of whole wheat bread~~gotta get something healthy in there!! So this was what was going on in the kitchen while dear ol’ Dad was working on the drawer glides.  More pics and updates to come~~I only wish you could feel this wood.  Oh—one more thing~~the wood came from the farm.  OOOO~~the shine pics will come at a later date!! Gotta’ get the heck off of here—my baby(Jack) just came for a visit!! Later and have a pretty day!!

OOO---the HEART of the matter is…I LOVE you Robert!!!!!

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