Thursday, July 29, 2010

Do You See What I See?

OK---ladies I am writing this blog as a previous tomato snob!!! Mom has blanched and froze tomatoes for years but--and I can't for the life of me understand why~~I wouldn't use them!!!! I guess I thought it was gross or well I really don't know?? So--I would spend a great deal of money on the canned ones at the grocery store.   The store bought ones~~are they cleaner?? Oh my, I don't think so.  Are they tastier than our garden variety---I must have been out of my mind because there is nothing better than my dad's homegrown tomatoes.  So--is it that they were just plain messy and gross?? I really don't see how they could be any messier than a can of tomatoes because the canned variety are plop...plop...plop and juice splatters all over you and the wall. The homegrown variety is a frozen block of tomatoes that you take from a bag and place it in the pot!!! So--ALL I can say is that I was a tomato SNOB!!!!!!

The last 2 years or so--I have changed my mean ways and have established an unlimited love affair with the wonderful glorious tomato.  So...ya see girls~~in this bag I see freshness on a crisp cold winter day because I am going to use these tomatoes in my homemade pasta sauce. I see homemade salsa touching my taste buds when there is not a sprig of grass to be seen for months to come.
Look at the little beauty~~~do you see it?? The healthy goodness from the garden in the dead of winter and I will be giving all of that to my family.  All of this because I over came my fear of the tomato and have learned to blanch and freeze all this goodness while it is at the peak of ripeness...and use it when I am ready.

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